torsdag 1 oktober 2009

Peter Rollins om sanning

Håller på att läsa Peter Rollins bok. "How (not) to speak of God". Den är utmanade och intressant på många sätt. Här kommer ett litet citat om sanningen:
"For instance, when we read that Christ is the truth and that knowing the truth will set us free, we come face to face with truth, not as objective affirmation of a proposition (as if that would set anyone free), but rather as that which arises from a life-giving encounter. The Truth in Christianity is not described but experienced. This is not then the affirmation of some objective description concerning Truth but rather describes a relation with the Truth. In other words, Truth is God and having knowledge of the Truth is evidenced, not in a doctrinal system, but in allowing that Truth to be incarnated in one's life. Hence, this claim of Christ is not a way of claiming that some theoretical system will bring new life, but a way of saying that by entering into a relationship with God we will find liberation. To know the Truth is thus to be known and transformed by the Truth."