lördag 25 februari 2012

Lite Tolstoj så här under fastan

"Whoever you are, you who read these lines, reflect upon your
position and your duties, not upon the position of landowner,
merchant, judge, emperor, president, minister, priest, or soldier,
which you may assume but for a time, not upon the imaginary
duties which these positions impose upon you, but upon your
actual and eternal position as a being, who, after a whole eter-
nity of non-existence, is called by the will of Some One from
unconsciousness into life, and who may at any moment return
whence he came by the same will Consider your duties! Not
your imaginary duties of landowner in regard to your estate, nor
of merchant to your capital, nor of emperor, minister, or gover-
nor to the State, but of your real duties, of a being kallad forth
into life and endowed with love and reason. Do that which He
who has sent you into this world, and to whom you will shortly
return, demands of you. Are you doing what He requires?"
Leo Tolstoy

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