Låt mig citera N.T. Wright.
"That, in fact, is (I believe) one of the reasons why God has given us so much story, so much narrative in scripture. Story authority, as Jesus knew only too well, is the authority that really works. Throw a rule book at people’s head, or offer them a list of doctrines, and they can duck or avoid it, or simply disagree and go away. Tell them a story, though, and you invite them to come into a different world; you invite them to share a world-view or better still a ‘God-view’."Läs gärna med fördel hela hans skrift. How Can The Bible Be Authoritative?
Slutligen en favorit i repris. Gör det här testet. Det hela handlar om hermeneutik, alltså hur vi tolkar och läser bibeln. Jag fick 66 poäng om nån undrar.
Uppdaterat: Läs gärna också Scot McKnight analys av testet.