fredag 17 september 2010

Kristen sionism, dålig teologi med förödande konsekvenser

I Sverige är det här en marginell rörelse i några av de evangelikala/karismatiska kyrkor som finns här. Den har dock präglat den undervisning jag fått under min uppväxt. Speciellt från trosrörelse håll.

så är den här teologiska strömningen en maktfaktor att räkna med som direkt påverkar skeendet i Mellanöstern.

Jag börjar personligen misstänka
att det kan vara en av de mest förödande kristna villolärorna under 1900-talet om man ser till släckta människoliv...

För dig som är intresserad
av farorna med Kristen sionism så vill jag rekommendera följande:

Stephen Sizer
. Missa inte hans hemsida!

Challenging Christian Zionism

With God On Our Side

N.T. Wright skräder inte på orden:

"To suggest, therefore, that as Christians we should support the state of Israel because it is the fulfilment of prophecy is, in a quite radical way, to cut off the branch on which we are sitting. It is directly analogous to the mistake of the Galatians, who thought that if they were members of Abraham’s family they should go the whole way and get circumcised. It is similar to the mistake of which the Reformers accused the mediaeval Catholics, of supposing that in every Mass they were actually re-crucifying Jesus, when Jesus’ death had been once and for all, never to be repeated, on Calvary. It is a way of saying that in the cross and resurrection God did not actually fulfil his whole saving purpose; that Jesus did not in fact achieve the fulfilment of Old Testament prophecy; that his resurrection was not the start of God’s new age; that Acts is wrong, Romans is wrong, Galatians is wrong, the letter to the Hebrews is wrong, Revelation is wrong. Say that if you like, but don’t claim to be Christian in doing so." N.T. Wright